Bobbie Kelly, WAY member

Bobbie Kelly

Co-opted February 2023

“I was widowed unexpectedly in September 2021 at the age of 39 when my husband, Neil, passed away in his sleep.

Although nobody wants to be eligible to join WAY, I feel exceptionally fortunate to have been told about the charity by a friend just days after Neil died. Within a month, I had attended my first WAY event – dinner at a local pub – and since then have embraced the social side of being a member, attending events such as coffee mornings, dog walks, coach and boat trips.

I don’t remember much of the dark, early days now, but I do know that the support I received from other members in similar situations was an absolute lifeline for me. The friends I have made in WAY have shown me that it is OK to smile and look forwards, and my world is much brighter now because of them.

I applied to become a Trustee of WAY to say thank you and to give something back to the charity that has helped me. I also work for a mental health charity in communications, and I intend to use my skills and ideas to raise WAY’s profile and help the charity to reach more widowed people at an earlier stage in their journeys.”

You don't have to face widowhood alone.

If you've lost your partner before your 51st birthday and live in the UK – whether you were married or not, with or without children, whatever your sexual orientation, race or religion – you are welcome to join us.

Joining up to WAY takes minutes and costs just £30 a year, which can be paid either by direct debit or PayPal.