WAY Strategic Plan

After going through an organisational transformation in 2018, WAY Widowed and Young carried out a range of consultations with our members to help inform the direction our charity should take in future. As well as sharing questionnaires with new members, we also carried out an extensive survey of our members and volunteers to work out the best way forward as our charity continues to grow.

The WAY Board of Trustees wanted to make sure that the charity’s strategic direction – encapsulated in our new Strategic Plan – would reflect the views of all our members and volunteers to make sure the charity met their needs, to draw out our long-term ambitions, to help outline our organisational priorities and reflect our new structure.

WAY’s new Strategic Plan has been developed in line with recommendations drawn from a report by Adam Smith, a Senior Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University who volunteered his time following an application to the Cranfield Trust. This takes on board feedback from our members, staff and volunteers. We would like to thank everyone who offered their valuable input – from completing WAY surveys to attending meetings, from talking to our team to taking part in working groups.

Our plan has been developed for the WAY team, our members, volunteers and all our supporters who have an interest in seeing WAY grow, develop and succeed.

You can also download our pdf version using the link below:

pdf file iconWAY Stategic Plan 2021-2026 (5,509.70 KB)

More information about WAY's work:

Did you know that an annual WAY membership costs the charity £60? So every penny raised by our incredible supporters goes directly to make up the shortfall between this and the £30 fee paid each year by members.