Here is a selection of books that WAY members have found relevant, useful and helpful.
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General books on bereavement
After You – by actress Natascha McElhone
All at Sea – by Guardian journalist Decca Aitkenhead
All in the End is Harvest: An Anthology for Those Who Grieve from Darton, Longman & Todd
Death and how to survive it – by Merry Widow author Kate Boydell
Green Widow – written by former WAY chairman Rachel Green to help those widowed while pregnant
If there’s anything I can do... How to help someone who has been bereaved – written by another former WAY Chairman, Caroline Doughty
I’m grieving as fast as I can – How Young Widows and Widowers can cope and heal – by Linda Feinberg
It's Not Raining Daddy, It's Happy – by Life as a Widower blogger Benjamin Brooks-Dutton
Just Carry on Breathing: A Year Surviving Suicide and Widowhood – by blogger and WAY member Gary Marson
Life After You – by writer, Wife After Death blogger and former WAY member Lucie Brownlee
Love Interrupted - by TV presenter and former WAY member Simon Thomas
The Grief Survival Guide - by TV presenter Jeff Brazier
Living on the Seabed – A memoir of love, life and survival – by former WAY patron Lindsay Nicholson
Song of the Sea – by Jane Dolby, who set up a choir after her husband died at sea
The Sad Book – by poet Michael Rosen, who lost his son (excellent for both adults and children)
The Year of Magical Thinking – by American writer Joan Didion
When Bad Things Happen in Good Bikinis – by the late, great Helen Bailey.
Winter Grief, Summer Grace (Returning to Life after a Loved One Dies) – by James Miller
Children’s books
Always and forever by Alan Durant
Badger’s Parting Gifts by Susan Varley
Beyond the Rough Rock – this is a Winston's Wish publication for children who have lost a parent to suicide
Is Daddy Coming Back in a Minute? – Elke Barber (she has also written a second book for young children called What Happened to Daddy's Body?)
WaterBugs and Dragonflies: Explaining Death to Young Children (Looking Up) by Doris Stickney
When Goodbye is Forever by Lois Rock
When Dinosaurs Die – a guide to understanding death by Laurie and Marc Brown. Marc Brown is the chap who created the ‘Arthur’ cartoon character and this is an excellent book for children.
Please do let us know if you have read any other books that you think would be useful for us to include. Send us an email to
Click here for a list of websites that WAY members have found useful.