Inquest insight for WAY volunteers

February 2024

A group of 18 WAY volunteers attended an online meeting on 29 January to gain a deeper insight into the inquest process.

WAY’s volunteers were joined by Ayse Ince from our partners at the law firm Irwin Mitchell Solicitors and Sara Sutherland, a Coroner’s Assistant from the barristers’ chambers Exchange Chambers.

The event was an invaluable opportunity for WAY’s volunteers to learn more about the inquest process, as volunteers are often a first port of call for advice and signposting for members when they join WAY Widowed and Young’s peer support network. Although not all of WAY’s members face an inquest when their loved one dies, those who do face an inquest can find it a particularly daunting process.

Sara and Ayse were able to explain, in as simple terms as possible, what members might expect before, during and after an inquest, as well as outlining the different approaches that may be taken, depending on the individual circumstances.

WAY’s Volunteer Manager Veronica said: “It was an incredibly informative presentation, especially for those, like me, who hadn’t been through the inquest process themselves. We are very grateful to Sara and Ayse for their time and expertise.  

Volunteers were able to ask questions and gain a clearer understanding of the steps members might be able to take to ensure they are as fully prepared for an inquest as possible.”