Marking International Men's Day

November 2021

This International Men's Day, we are sharing thoughts from WAY members about the benefits of talking to other men who understand what it feels like to be widowed at a young age.

WAY member Gavin said: "My main thing that has made a positive impact on being able to deal with grief is the unique friendships I have formed. These friendships are with people that truly understand what it's like and are now considered life long friends. I don't think I would be where I am now if it wasn't for the connections I have made through WAY and I'd like to think I have made a difference to others as well."

WAY member Matt told us: "Just remember all, 19 November is International Men's Day, focusing on men's health, improving gender relations, highlighting male role models, and promoting positive expressions of masculinity."

Matt recently organised a curry night out with fellow widowers Jim and Andrew in his local WAY group.
He told us: "Great food, great company... It's always good to talk about stuff."

The next curry night is already in the diary for January!

Matt (right) with Jim & Andrew

WAY member Terence told us:

"In the 5 years since she passed, sometimes I feel I have coped well. Other times not so much. It has been such a journey, one I feel I am on still. With Remembrance Day, my son was very upset and triggers pop up for us both from time to time. We get through it through honesty, not being afraid to express our feelings. Also we look to distraction, whether movies, sport, or exploring the beauty in this world.

Sometimes I question why it still hurts so much, I don't have an answer. I liken grief to a physical injury, sometimes although you heal the scar remains, a reminder. In some cases you are left with an injury that can affect you the rest of your life. That is what grief is to me just on an emotional level, learning to live with it."