Our fundraising superstars

September 2023

We had some absolutely fab fundraisers over the Summer months and some brilliant ones coming up. Read on to find out more...

Women with blonde hair smiling and wearing sunglasses and a blue WAY t-shirt

Huge thanks too to all the incredible fundraisers who have raised invaluable funds for WAY over the summer:

  • As part of our Summer Challenge, Scott raised £360 by colouring his hair and beard pink and blue while Daniel took on a running challenge to notch up 200km during July and has raised £275!

  • WAY Member Ellen took on the Great North Run and raised more than £450.

  • Dedicated WAY supporters in Suffolk took part in several fundraising challenges in memory of Clax, the late husband of one of our members, including a charity football match, Matt R running seven marathons in seven days, several family and friends running the Ipswich Half Marathon, and in total raising more than £4,400 to support WAY!

  • While WAY member Amanda shaved her hair off and raised more than £300 for WAY…

Women with a shaved head holding up a WAY information leaflet

Support next month’s fab fundraisers

Please show your support for our fabulous fundraisers who are taking on a range of challenges for WAY next month:

- Rebecca is taking on the Royal Parks Half Marathon on 8 October 

- Our very own fundraising volunteer Sasha is taking on the Bournemouth Half Marathon on the same date. Find her Just Giving page here. 

- Ellen is hopping over the Channel to run the Bruges Half Marathon on 15 October. Please support them if you are able to. 

- At the end of the month, member Natalie is doing a skydive and raising funds for WAY - View Natalie's fundraising page.

Get away with Charitable Travel

Now that the summer is drawing to a close, a​re you already itching for your next holiday? Help is at hand. WAY has signed up with Charitable Travel – a travel agent that donates 5% of their commission on every holiday booked to the charity of the booker’s choice. They offer everything you’d expect from a travel agent and more – from short city breaks to lifetime adventures!

Turn to page 51 of Charitable Travel’s online magazine to find out why WAY fundraising volunteer Chantal raises funds for WAY.

NEW! Fundraising Pack

We now have a fundraising pack available to download here. It has ideas of how you can support WAY, where the money goes that you and your supporters raise and resources to help you.

Find the perfect event for you...

Are you feeling inspired by are fab fundraisers? We are always adding more fundraising events to our pages so check them out and see if one grabs your attention.

You don't have to do one of these events though... we'd love to hear about any ideas you have and support you with them.

Email fundraising@widowedandyoung.org.uk to get in touch!