WAY welcomes three new Ambassadors

January 2024

Volunteers are at the very heart of WAY as a charity, playing a variety of roles to support fellow members and to help get the word out about WAY. 

We are delighted to welcome three new Ambassadors to join our existing team of Ambassadors, who have all been chosen for their exceptional commitment and dedication to WAY and have volunteered to represent diverse areas of WAY’s membership.

Our new Ambassadors are:

  • Selina, founder of Black Girl Finance and a member of WAY’s Diversity Working Group, will be helping to make sure that WAY is as inclusive and welcoming as possible to all those needing support

  • Caro will be helping us to get the word out to young widowed people without children and to those with disabilities

  • Rachel, who was widowed while pregnant, will be focusing on juggling work and young children.

We are looking forward to working with Selina, Caro and Rachel to get the word out about WAY’s peer support network to as many young widowed people as possible.