WAY's fundraising heroes: April

April 2023

We want to celebrate some of the incredible things are fundraisers have been up to and have planned for the coming weeks.

Read on to hear about how our marathon runners got on, Carol's epic cycling event, Sally and Danielle's leap of faith and more... including how you can walk your WAY onto our list of fundraising heroes in May.

Last weekend, not one but two friends of WAY ran in the London Marathon to raise funds for WAY and between them have raised more than £2,100.

  • Our Volunteer Manager’s neighbour Nick ran his first London Marathon for WAY and raised more than £1,500

  • And another friend of WAY, Margaret – who ran in memory of her friend’s husband Simon – has raised more than £600.

It’s not too late to show your support for their incredible efforts for Nick here and Margaret here. Thank you so much!

Feeling inspired?

Take a browse through our fundraising events for the year and find your perfect challenge.

Carol's Story

We have some more fundraising heroes raising funds for WAY over the next few weeks, including WAY member Carol, who has gathered a team of family and friends to cycle 100 miles through London and Essex as part of the Ride London challenge. Here’s why Carol is riding for WAY:

The reason I’ve chosen to do the ride is that I have had such a lot of support from WAY since my husband Steve died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) in 2019. It was such a shock to be suddenly widowed at the age of 41 with two young children."

"I didn’t know who to turn to that could possibly understand, and then I found WAY and it helped me so much. I just wanted to do something to give back to the charity.” 

Carol’s team includes Stuart (Steve’s brother), her friend Nik and her partner Dave, and Nik’s brother James. 

“They have supported me so much over the past three years, including agreeing to take part in this challenge!” said Carol.

“We are a team of mostly novice cyclists who enjoy a challenge and we are all training in our own way in the hope that we don’t make a show of ourselves on the day and raise as much money as we can!”

Please show Carol and co your support

Also coming up…


WAY member Katherine is taking on a series of walks and runs over the summer in memory of her late husband Greg, starting with the Yorkshire Three Peaks, which involves 24 miles and three gruelling ascents.

Katherine said: “We started at 6am, and so the ground was still quite icy on the first summit, but conditions improved as the sun came up. We finished at 5.30pm. Only a couple of stops along the way, so it meant we were walking non-stop for about 11 hours. Approximately 65,000 steps in total!”

Show Katherine your support

Jumping for WAY

Two friends, Sally and Danielle, are due to take part in a parachute jump for WAY at the end of this month.

Show them your support

Bon courage, Chantal!

Our new fundraising volunteer, Chantal, is running a marathon in France next month in memory of her husband Ben, who died in May 2022. She and Ben were married in France 13 years ago so the Loire marathon is particularly significant for her. She is raising funds for WAY here.

Read Chantal’s story

London to Brighton Ultra Challenge

It’s become something of an annual tradition that a group of WAY Wocs (members without children) walk 100km from London to Brighton at the end of May. This year is no exception. 

Please show Ben and Karli your support

Thank you so much to all our amazing fundraisers

If you fancy taking on a fundraising challenge (and it doesn’t have to be sporty!) then please get in touch with our Community Fundraiser Elanor via fundraising@widowedandyoung.org.uk to discuss your plans, ask questions and find support!

Email Elanor

More WAYs to get involved this MAY...

Many members find getting outdoors and exercising a great way to improve mental and physical health.

Sometimes though, we all need some encouragement to get up and do something nice for ourselves - why not take on our #WalkThisMay challenge during #NationalWalkingMonth to motivate you and help us raise some much-needed funds for WAY?

How far will you go for WAY?

Walk this May