Things to Make and Sell

Handmade cards are still very popular, especially at Christmas. Either a percentage of what you sell all year round, or cards made for a specific event with all the proceeds donated is a great way to raise funds for us.
Attend an event, sell online, take round to local schools/workplaces/cafes etc.
Handmade Crafts
Anything that you can make and sell could be used as part or full fundraising for WAY, however please ensure that any items made adhere to Health & Safety regulations and hold any relevant certifications of safety required.
If you, or someone you know, owns a business why not consider donating a percentage of sales from a certain item, or for a certain period of time, to WAY?
Many people in the past have chosen an item that is slightly bereavement related, a range of stock that needs a sales boost, or takings from a certain day in the month/year and donated between 5% and 20% to us.
Please email us on if you would like to choose WAY as your nominated charity, and we can publicise this online and via social media too!
Second Hand Goods
If you are having a clear out, you could save yourself a trip to the tip and raise some money for us at the same time!
There are many ways you can turn your unwanted belongings into money for us – some are listed on our 'Shop for WAY' page, but you can also sell on many other platforms such as Vinted or Depot and choose to send a donation after.
In terms of events why not go along to a Bring & Buy sale, hold your own garage sale, or pop along to a Car Boot sale and see how much you can make?