Spread the Word

More than one in four of our members found out about WAY through word of mouth recommendation – and we’d really value your help in helping to reach out to other young widows and widowers who could benefit so much from our support. We estimate there are around 100,000 people who are eligible to join WAY across the UK.
You can help by signposting people to WAY through social media or by looking out for opportunities to mention WAY to bereavement professionals and others who may not know about us.
If you would like a FREE supply of leaflets or posters to help spread the word about WAY locally, please complete the form below. You could take some along to your GP, local hospice, church, community centre, library, funeral director or supermarket.
We also have wallet cards that you could keep in your purse, wallet or glove compartment to hand out when appropriate. You could be providing a lifeline to someone who hasn’t heard about WAY.
WAY can also provide speakers for conferences, host workshops and we have a display stand for exhibitions.
If you would like a member of WAY to attend your conference, please email us on enquiries@widowedandyoung.org.uk and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can.

Recommend us to someone you know.