WAY Lottery

Did you know you can help us to raise funds by taking part in a charity lottery?
For just £1 per week you will be allocated a unique six-digit lottery number, which will remain yours for as long as you want to keep playing. You can buy more than one lottery number if you wish.
Every Friday, the lucky winners are selected at random and prizes are sent out automatically, so if you win there is no need for you to claim.
Prizes range from £25 to £25,000. For every £1 played, at least 50p goes directly to WAY.
A minimum of 50% of the total lottery proceeds are spent on supporting the work carried out by WAY Widowed and Young, 18.4% on prizes and 31.6% on the running cost and administration of the lottery.
The likelihood of winning a prize from unity lottery is 1 in 63. Further information can be found in the Unity game rules. You can find out more about how the winners are selected here.
Looking for more WAYs to get involved?
There are so many ways you can help WAY. Whether you take part in a challenge event, make a donation, give as you shop, set up a Facebook fundraiser or even add gift aid to your membership - every little helps and we are very grateful for your support.
WAY relies on fundraising and generous donations, as well as membership fees, to help pay for vital services for our members – including our website and our 24-hour telephone service.
With your help, we can do so much more for our members and raise our profile too, so that more people who are widowed young can find out about our peer to peer support network.