Summer of Swans: Griffyn's Third Update
August 2024

As we move through August, our Summer of Swans campaign is gaining momentum giving all the opportunity to remember loved ones.
Even though Griffyn has been unwell this week, an impressive 210 swans have been added to those previously made many with beautiful messages displayed.
Griffyn's latest update:
“Hello! Welcome to the Friday Summer of Swans update! Unfortunately, I caught Covid again, which slowed things down a little this week. But at 688, we’re still well on track for 1,000 by the end of the month!
Reading and writing your heartfelt dedications continues to warm my heart. Anything unexpected (and we all know the world likes to throw those moment at us!) can make grief feel extra isolating. This project has been a great reminder for me that while our experiences are uniquely our own, we are part of such a widespread and caring community.
There’s still time to share with friends/family/colleagues, donate, and/or to make your own swan. So, please feel welcome to join us.
With love and solidarity,

You can also join in with the challenge at home, by following Griffyn's how to guide and remember, if you send your swans to our offices before the beginning of September, they will be added to our display at the WAY AGM.

Your donations are always welcome.